Sunday, June 2, 2013


I am so excited my blog is up and running.  I cannot wait to write new blogs, meet new friends and share share ideas with them.

I am a quilter.  I have been quilting for about 34 years.  Do I know everything there is to know about quilting?  No,  I am always learning new techniques.  There are so many fresh ideas in the quilting world it would be impossible not to learn something new.  Also I believe by learning new things and sharing our ideas it helps us to grow in our craft.

In addition to being a quilter I live on a small farm.  This keeps life interesting.  We raise beef, a few hogs, meat goats and broilers in addition to keeping a few layers.

Well I need to get off here we are on our way to my oldest granddaughters softball game.  I do hope you enjoy my blog, and will visit again.